Marissa Meyer’s bestselling series, The Lunar Chronicles, begins with the story of a young cyborg named Cinder, a talented mechanic who wants to be treated as a normal citizen of New Beijing, rather than second-class. When Prince Kai, future leader of the Commonwealth, is in trouble, Cinder finds herself his unlikely companion and the best chance to save her home from turmoil.
This fantastical and sci-fi twist on Cinderella is unique in its own right. The characters, world-building, and the mixing of fairytale and original story is wonderfully done. Cinder’s lower station in the social hierarchy, along with her mysterious past, helps place her in a position to rise and overcome her many obstacles, which includes hiding what she really is from Prince Kai. The innovation of placing this story in a futuristic society while involving political and environmental unrest is unexpectedly relatable and provides further incentive for Cinder and those who assist her.
This novel is enhanced with the narration of Rebecca Soler, who transforms this book and its characters in a quirky and captivating way. Her voices for each unique character are engaging and true to each character’s personality.
Take a listen of her wonderful narration: